Utilities for tuning LineAge 2 client
Version 1.4 designed for LineAge 2 Chronicles 4 client and allow you to:
- modify color of the messages in game
- mark aggro/normal monsters with special colors and include their level in the name or nickname
- enable zoom mod (allows infinite camera zoom)
- enable ghost camera mod (allows camera to pass throw the walls)
- enable titles mod (allows to view mobs titles from far away)
- enable increase mouse wheel zoom speed
- enable increase graphical cache size (if you have 512 or more RAM this could helps decrease load time of visited areas)
- enable to remove center-view on right mouse click
- disable words filtering
- set gamma/sound volume/music volume more precisely
- view recipes and item names in them directly from your LA2 client
- calculate amount of materials needed (and what will be left after) to craft recipe
- perfom batch copy of files and dirs (for example, if you want to automate applying other patches after each client update)
- sniffing information from game server to client and import items list (warehouse or invenotory) directly from your client to material calulator 'have' list
Attention: The author says to read the text information in setup.
Download The Cheat Here (~1 MB)
The last build for LineAge II C3 client can be found here (there will be no versions for C3 anymore, only for C4):
Download LineAge Utils for C3 build 1.3.2248.21941
LineAge Utils require .NET Framework 2.0 to be installed on the computer. If you have no .NET Framework 2.0 installed you can get it free here: Download NET Framework 2.0 Here
Used 3d party programs and components
Used l2encdec program (see http://dstuff.luftbrandzlung.org for more details).
Used WinPcap library (see http://www.winpcap.org for more details).
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